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tree support中文是什么意思

用"tree support"造句"tree support"怎么读"tree support" in a sentence


  • 失架
  • 树木支柱


  • The king made of the almug trees supports for the house of the lord and for the king ' s house , also lyres and harps for the singers ; such almug trees have not come in again nor have they been seen to this day
    王上10 : 12王用檀香木为耶和华殿、和王宫、作栏杆、又为歌唱的人作琴瑟以后再没有这样的檀香木进国来、也没有人看见过、直到如今。
  • Five novel algorithms are proposed . they are pca support vector machine algorithm which is based on the idea of combination multi - class classification , weighted pca support vector machine algorithm , wavelet support vector machine borrowed idea from the kernel function , rs - svm dynamic prediction and fuzzy binary tree support vector machine . the performance and applications of the algorithms are studied in depth
    本文分析和总结了现有的几种典型支持向量机算法,提出了基于组合式多类别分类器思想的pca支持向量机算法、加权pca支持向量机算法、借鉴核函数方法的小波支持向量机算法、 rs - svm动态预测方法、模糊二叉树支持向量机等算法,对其算法性能和应用作了深入研究。
用"tree support"造句  
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